Featured Video: A Newark Doctor Returns Home


Sampson Davis:
Emergency Room Doctor, Newark NJ

Author, Living and Dying in Brick City
Sampson Davis is best known as one of three friends from inner-city Newark who made a pact in high school to become doctors. Their book The Pact and their work through the Three Doctors Foundation have inspired countless young men and women to strive for goals they otherwise would not have dreamed they could attain.
Now in a new memoir, Living and Dying in Brick City: An E.R. Doctor Returns Home, Davis describes his experience returning to a hospital in the city where he was born — as an emergency physician.
In his book, Dr. Davis looks at the healthcare crisis in the inner city from a rare perspective: as a doctor who works on the front line of emergency medical care in the community where he grew up, and as a member of that community who has faced the same challenges as the people he treats every day. He also offers invaluable practical advice for those living in such communities, where conditions like asthma, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and AIDS are disproportionately endemic.

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